In da hood...
8:30 a.m. - 2007-09-13

So an old friend of mine has this car she said they are selling for $500. It's not pretty, but it runs really well. But can I spare $500 at this moment? I don't think so, and they'll be moving to Tennessee in a couple of weeks. What to do?

Anyways, BabyGirl and I went to Wallyfart last night. We saw this kid there that we had run into some months ago. We don't know him from jack, but he apparently remembered us, too.

Back in April, BabyBoy and BabyGirl and I were at this same store. Now, you have to know that BabyBoy had been notorious for always seeing something at the store, and then asking Mom to buy it for him. Yes, he is twenty years old now, and I figured habits die hard, right?

So here we are at the store, and BabyBoy right away goes straight to the mens clothing. He had been hinting that he needed a hoody since the one he had looked pretty raggedy. I think to myself, " we go. He's gonna come and tell me he found one for only XXX amount of dollars. I just know it!"

BabyGirl and I kept walking back toward the fabric. She needed a new practice skirt for dance class. Two minutes hadn't passed before I hear, "Mom...MOM," rather loudly. I turned quickly and yelled, "WHAT!!!"

This kid was standing there looking past me, but I scared him so badly he jumped back, with his eyes all wide.

"Oh, I'm sorry! I thought you were my son," I said starting to laugh. BabyGirl bent over, just cracking up! BabyBoy walked up behind the kid, said, "Scuse me," and scared the kid again. Then I started laughing, and I swear BabyGirl was about to pee her pants.

I apologized again, turned and saw the woman who must have been his mother, and I apologized again. I don't know if she saw what happened, but I was laughing too hard to explain.

BabyBoy looked at us like we were crazy, but when his sister told him what happened, he laughed his ass of. After a moment, he stopped and all serious he said, "So you won't get me the hoody I found back there?"


I bought him the hoody....

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