High heels, and attitude Baby!!!
11:01 p.m. - 2008-06-06

So here it is Friday night, and it's just me and BabyGirl at home. She's on the desktop, Myspacing it, and I'm on the laptop doing my own thing. I saw Hombre for about 10 minutes. He worked today, but got out early. By the time I came home from work, he was gone again with his OTHER cousin, supposedly to go help him finish siding a house. Well he walked in about an hour ago. Yes, he was drunk, and yes he left again to go "fishing" down at the river.

I really need to get my car working, and just stop worrying about his ass. I told him yesterday that he's going down that road again...picking his drinking and staying out late over me and the family. He looked like he was ashamed, but he's not, pinche cabron!

You know what's funny...not haha funny, but ironic? 'Member how I said I had been "counseled" about the dress code at work? Maybe I didn't write about that. But anyways, someone reported seeing me walk into work in the morning wearing jeans and tenny's. Well, I would change into my work clothes. I mean I'm not about to walk .67 miles in my work clothes and get them all sweaty, nasty. Yeah, folks, I sweat...no, I don't glisten, I sweat!

Anyways, I change into work clothes, but I would keep my tenny's on. With this extra weight, it's kind of hard on my little footsies, ya know? Well, after getting talked to about the shoes, I pulled out the old heels. I don't have "sensible" shoes...and I never will! So, because I have been wearing my high heels, I have been dressing a little nicer than normal. It has made me realize how lazy I've gotten with my appearance.

So let me loop back to the damn point of my story. Now that I have been wearing my heels, and dressing a little better, of course, my attitude has changed a bit. I feel prettier, more feminine. Hell, maybe that's why I've been feeling so damn horny lately!

Well, Hombre is starting with his comments now. "Oh, so you're dressing up for your boyfriend?" You know, shit like that.

Oh, well. I just smile and walk out the door to MY job, to earn MY money, and handle MY business.

I guess he's handling his, and it comes in a 24 oz can, and seems to be his biggest priority.

Fuck 'im. Wyatt...send me a quick recipe, nothing too complicated. I think I have something I haven't sent you, but I'm not sure you'll like it. Remind me which recipes I gave you...I think it's only the one, right?

Take care, ya'll, and have a great weekend. I'm off to read Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows for the third time. Yeah, I'm living on the edge...can ya hang? ;P

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