I've got someone else on the side...
11:14 p.m. - 2008-07-12

So, I must confess...I have been cheating. Yes, it's true. I have been cheating on you guys with another website. It has taught me that I, ME AND ONLY ME, am responsible for making my own happiness. I have to start with myself. The website is about getting fit, but more importantly, is about changing the way you think. If you really believe that you are worthy of having a healthy, happy life, that control is all in your hands.

I came back to this diary, and read some of my older entries. I realize how negative this whole diary has become. I'm surprised ya'll have come back and remained my buds!

And I really appreciate each and every one of you and all the times you have left me a kind comment,and words of support. I also apologize for being so negative, whiny, and such a crybaby! My past thinking was that by putting all my anger and discontentment in this diary, I was simply venting, and getting rid of all those feelings. But now I realize that by always writing about the negative things in my life, there was no chance to appreciate the good things in my life.

I mean, if I go out of my way to constantly find shit to bitch about, then I'm short changing myself, my family...everyone that I come into contact with. So that is one step I am taking to making myself feel good about my life. Hence the template change. I wanted something brighter, something that represents hope, and peace in my life. Ya know...don't sweat the small shit. Everything always works out in the end. There is a reason we go through our trials and tribulations...I really believe there is a plan to it all.

With that said, that doesn't mean that I won't from time to time come here and really let it rip. Ya'll know how much I love to cuss! Sometimes a good swearing spree is so releasing! Hahahaha!

I am trying to catch up on your diaries. I have missed you all. I hope you are all having a great weekend!

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